Herta Security

Herta Security

Smart Network Trading collaborates with Herta, a leader in computer vision technology, to offer innovative solutions in Oman. Herta's solutions provide unparalleled reliability to businesses and partners seeking to bolster security in demanding environments. With a commitment to delivering practical solutions for real-world challenges, Herta empowers every deployment with its precision and effectiveness.

Herta Solutions

Herta’s video-surveillance solution, BioSurveillance, detects multiple faces in real-time, incorporates on-the-fly video enrolment, identifies previously trained individuals, and facilitates run-time management of alarms and individuals.

  • BioSurveillance uses video-surveillance cameras to recognize the faces of blacklisted people.
  • BioSurveillance yields excellent performance with partial occlusions of the face, glasses, scarfs, caps, changes of facial expression, shadows, high contrasts and extreme or poor lighting conditions, and on moderate rotations of the face.
  • BioSurveillance works on the move and at a distance, and does not require end-user collaboration.
  • Individuals can be enrolled in the system through a photograph as well as using real time or recorded video.

BioSurveillance NEXT is a high performance video-surveillance solution for facial recognition, specially designed for the simultaneous identification of subjects in crowded and changeable environments.

Optimized for GPU architectures, it works at speeds up to 600 fps and with very high-resolution video streams.

Our technology makes it possible to record subjects automatically through (on-the-fly) video capture, and works correctly even with partial facial concealment, wearing of glasses, handkerchiefs or caps, changes in facial expression, difficult lighting conditions and slight rotations of the face.

BioSurveillance NEXT is optimized for environments with large crowds in constant movement, such as airports, metro and train stations, shopping centres, sports stadiums and urban centres.

BioFinder the Herta solution that makes it possible to search for a specific subject, through facial recognition, in one or various recorded videos.

By working with GPU architectures, BioFinder achieves high speed processing of each and every image in the video being analyzed.

With BioFinder, analysis can be performed at speeds faster than real time, making it possible to locate a subject of interest much more quickly than if the video were viewed at its original speed. BioFinder is primarily used in forensic analysis and the classification of information, being particularly useful in law enforcement settings and in the search for suspects.

Face analytics is useful as a means of detecting and identifying an individual, but it is also an excellent tool for learning more about your customers.

Through Deep Learning, BioMarketing algorithms are able to automatically extract and encode the most relevant information from the face, making it possible to gather different customer statistics.

BioMarketing allows you to profile visitors based on their face. This deeper understanding of your prospects is key to success and helps maximize your return on investment.

BioMarketing can also be integrated with digital marketing devices for targeted advertising. In addition, it is a solution that protects the anonymity of individuals, thus complying with data protection laws (GDPR).

All this information is also collected in an online dashboard that allows the user to have live information on the behavior of visitors in their business:

Touchless access control is the perfect solution for controlling user access to physical locations such as buildings, offices, data centers, and restricted security areas while maintaining customers and staff safety.

Face biometrics is used to identify a user from access control lists and to verify their identity. Herta’s access control solution enables user management while in use and allows users to be enrolled on-the-fly by video capture.

This technology yields excellent performance despite partial occlusions of the face, the use of glasses, scarfs or caps, changes of facial expression, and moderate rotations of the face. Moreover, it does not allow users to be impersonated using photographs.

BioObserver is a facial analysis solution for the automatic detection and annotation of a person’s emotional states and micro-expressions.

It is a non-invasive software for the individual, since it is based on image processing techniques. It is able to detect basic facial emotions such as “joy”“sadness” or “anger”, and also more subtle micro-expressions of the face such as “frown”“blink” or “eyebrows raise”.

BioObserver also allows to extract the direction of the gaze and the orientation of the head, to monitor behavioral metrics such as the degree of attention of the individual. In addition to automatically tagging the extracted facial information, the platform allows you to configure additional annotations of events and frames that are considered of interest.

  • Recognition of 7 basic facial emotions
  • Recognition of 18 facial micro-expressions
  • Tracking of gaze direction and head orientation
  • Intuitive interface: Configurable emotional dashboard with advanced visualizations
  • Automatic analysis and labeling in real time or on pre-recorded video
  • Possibility of recording other relevant events
  • Results exportable to PDF

Herta Security

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